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My treatment plan consisted of 14 rounds of chemotherapy that would alternate every 14 days, a limb sparing surgery and 25 radiation treatments.

My first chemotherapy treatment (7 in total) consisted of the following drugs: (The year in parentheses refers to the year of FDA approval)

Vincristine (1963)

Doxorubicin (1984)

Cyclophosphamide (1959)

Two weeks later I would stay in the hospital for five days and chemo was administered daily. Those chemo drugs were:

Ifosfamide (1988)

Etoposide (1983)

Midway through chemo treatment, I had limb salvage surgery. As soon as possible I restarted the second half of the chemotherapy (one month after surgery). Upon completion of chemotherapy, I received radiation treatments for 25 days (Monday through Friday, five weeks)

Total days in hospital receiving chemo: 42

Total nights in hospital receiving chemo: 35

Total nights in hospital recovering from chemo treatments: 50+.

Total days in hospital for two surgeries: 10

Total days for outpatient radiation: 25

Chris Carson's Story
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