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Thank You for Your Donation

Dear Supporter,


Thank you for your donation to the Carson Sarcoma Foundation. Your donation will go directly to funding research for Ewing’s Sarcoma.


The mission of the Carson Sarcoma Foundation is to fund targeted cancer research focused on increasing survival for those stricken with Orphan Sarcoma Cancers ultimately leading to a cure. The initial focus is on Ewing’s Sarcoma Cancer.


By utilizing volunteer based, experienced, educated and passionate board members and advisors who personally appreciate the devastating nature of the disease and the need for a cure, we work to hold our internal costs to 0.  This means that every dollar you donate is used completely to help fund research towards a cure for this devastating disease.


Carson Sarcoma Foundation focuses on Targeted Cancer Research, which seeks to attack Cancer Cells while leaving normal cells unharmed. This research includes Immunotherapy & Molecular therapy. We actively seek out promising therapies that can be utilized by patients within 12-24 months. CSF only supports projects whose goal is to move their research to stage 1 Clinical Trials within 24 months.


Carson Sarcoma Foundation is registered as Carson Sarcoma Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Our EIN is 46-4728821.  No goods or services were provided to you in return for your donation, and therefore the full amount of your contribution is deductible for federal income tax purposes. Please print this letter, along with your PayPal Donation receipt for your records.










Randolph W. Carson        and        Christopher Carson

2010 - present

2010 - present

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